Monday, April 19, 2010

On-line demos for Unified TestPro manual and automation testing tool (please RSVP)

Presentations will be as follows:

Manual tool demo; 9am and 11am CDT, April 21st, or 11am CDT April 23rd
Automation tool demo; 9am and 11am CDT April 22nd, or 3pm CDT April 23rd.

GoToMeeting or GoToWebinar format.

This will be an RSVP event. Information will be provided upon RSVP.
James Wright
General Manager, Test Service Operations
Software Development Technologies
405-232-6000 x.11
405-232-6008 Fax
580-641-1360 Cell

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Online Demo of Unified TestPro, Friday, April 23rd

SDT's Enterprise proven, Keyword Driven, Software Test Design and Automation solution, Unified TestPro, will be demonstrated on-line Friday, April 23rd. The UTP manual product will be demonstrated at 9am CDT, while the automation product will be demonstrated at 11am CDT. This is an RSVP event. For more information, please contact James Wright at

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

International Symposium on Functional Programming (in Norman)

The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming will begin its second decade at the University of Oklahoma, May 17-19, 2010, on the campus in Norman.

Additional details can be found at

For local residents, contact Rex Page for a special $50 reduced rate fee that includes the lectures, breaks, presentations, and the local proceedings, but does not include lunches or the excursion and banquet. Locals can also attend the excursion and banquet for and additional $75. The general entrance fee is $300 otherwise, so this is a great deal!

Last year's topics included:
What is F# and Why Should I Learn It?
Hands-on exercises in functional programming using C++ (with discussions about LINQ for C#)
Implementing unit of measurement types in Visual Studio 2008
Software Testing with QuickCheck
Analysis of F# programs
Formal validation methods

My Article on Software Quality History

Here is the first of three in a series of stories about the history of software quality.